Competitive athletes and Non-competitive athletes


Based on my personal training experience and observations, I noticed there are a couple of things that separate people whose goal is to become a competitive athlete and people who do CrossFit for wellness.


Intensity is crucial. The training intensity of training for wellness, and being a competitive athlete are totally different in terms of volume, frequency. Most people do 1 WOD(Workout Of the Day) a day, and train 3-5 times a week so the soreness stays at a manageable level. However, competitive athletes train 2-3 sessions a day, 5 days a week, and they train in such frequency for years. Here you can already see the huge difference in terms of volume and frequency.



Take a look at the Safety-Efficiency-Efficacy graph. When we do CrossFit for wellness, we are trying to find a balance point among these 3 factors. Competitive athletes, on the other hand, push themselves to the limit because they want to maximize efficacy and efficiency, which means they may have to compromise safety.



I rarely see people pay attention to recovery stuff(which you should), at least not serious enough. Competitive athletes do everything they can to optimize their recovery. After each high-intensity training session mentioned above, competitive athletes don’t just call it a day and go hang out with friends. They stretch, they eat, they go get a massage, they do active recovery and they make sure they get enough sleep.


CrossFit already pointed our that Nutrition is the foundation of fitness. In most cases I observed, the biggest difference between CrossFit competitive athletes and average CrossFitters in the diet is the intake amount of carbs. For competitive athletes, they may need a lot of carbs a day(could be up to 400 grams) to support their training. If you are doing CrossFit for wellness, you just need the amount to support your daily activity.

Regardless of what kind of diet you are following, you need to stick with it long enough and adjust it along the way.



What’s in your mind when you hit a wall? You definitely will if your goal is to become a competitive athlete. It always takes longer than expected to really see the results. The suffering is no joke, there are more bad days than good days. Whether you can put yourself back together and continue the grind shows how much you are committed. A better question is: “Can you not quit?”

Sound like it requires quite much to be a competitive athlete… Yes, it does. None of the dedication and sacrifices are easy,  and that’s why we respect those elite athletes. You need a very good reason to be training competitively because training for competition is painful and not everyone is genetically made for a competitive environment. But it doesn’t mean that you cannot join local throwdowns for fun and be involved in the community. You can still compete with your friends and try to beat him/her down on every single WOD in the group classes. You can have a pleasant life with your family and still be the fittest version of yourself. You can do and achieve anything you want, just make sure you work hard and have fun!


“Don’t strive to make your presence noticed, make your absence felt.”


我們的訓練是為了成為一個專業的選手? 還是為了健康? 就我個人的訓練經驗以及觀察,兩者之間存在著幾項關鍵的差異。




接著藉由 安全-效率-效果的三角圖我們可以看出兩者在訓練風險上的差異性。當我們為了健康做CrossFit,我們會盡可能在安全、效率、效果這三項元素中取得平衡,就如以下右圖所示。但對於選手而言,他們必須想盡辦法讓訓練的效果以及效率達到最高,而結果就是如以下左圖所呈現的,他們必須在犧牲掉部分的安全性,每天的訓練將自己推向極限,但同時也面臨著相對高的受傷風險。





CrossFit 金字塔的基底就是飲食,由此可見飲食的重要性。在大部分的案例中,選手的飲食計畫跟一般的飲食計畫會在澱粉攝取量上有很大的差異。CrossFit選手的澱粉攝取量會比一般飲食計畫來的高出許多(可能會達到一天400公克),為的是能夠支持他們極大的訓練量。




當你遇到瓶頸的時候你會怎麼做? 如果你的目標是成為一個專業的選手,那你一定會有遇到瓶頸的時候。達到目標前的過程往往比預期中得來的更長、更久,那過程中的煎熬絕對不是開玩笑的,低潮的日子更是難熬,是否能夠撐過那些低潮取決於你對於你的目標有多強烈的渴望。用一個更白話的說法來說就是: 你能夠堅持下去不放棄嗎?






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