Quick Tips on How to Look Good Naked 六塊肌的秘訣
Summer is here and everyone wants to have that “Beach-Bod” to showcase at the beach. Whether or not you want to fit into a new bikini or show off those 6-pack abs, it’s going to be a lot of work building new habits to not only obtain these goals, but to maintain them during the off-season. This is just a quick introduction to our views on shedding fat and keeping it off
Weightloss is Not What You Think
First let’s set some things straight. A lot of people say they want to lose weight, but is this what they really want to do? In all honesty, the majority of us want to look good naked, not necessarily lose weight. Therefore we need to approach this issue with a slightly different perspective. We would ultimately like to lose body fat, and build muscle as opposed to lose fat and lose muscle. After all, you need to make sure you have abs first before you can show them off. Therefore, we would like to build Lean Body Mass (LBM) and lose Fat Mass (FM). Accomplishing this is hard work, but it isn’t as complicated as some may think. It’s really about creating balance and rhythm in life and making better choices.
Four Pillars of Fitness
There are four pillars that serve as the foundation of fitness. If you can understand and manage these, then you can be assured that you are making progress toward that “Beach-Bod”. The four pillars are the following: Exercise, Nutrition, Recovery, and Stress. We will only briefly touch upon each subject as we don’t want you falling asleep too fast (and if you did, at least we would be helping with your recovery). In the future we will be covering each topic in greater detail. For the time being, this will be a great starting point.
Exercise - Exercise is the physical activity that we engage in on a day-to-day basis. There are many benefits to physical activity including hormonal responses, stress adaptation, and creating a metabolic response, all of which help to build LBM and burn fat. There are many people out there who believe the burning calories through exercise is the key to losing FM. Although this may help, we believe the best results come from a balance of calorie management from exercise and nutrition as well as managing your body in a way that elicits a favorable hormonal response.
Nutrition - Nutrition encompasses what we fuel our bodies with. It includes our macro-nutrients carbohydrates, proteins, and dietary fats, as well as our micro-nutrients vitamins and minerals. We believe that quality matters in nutrition, in other words, not all calories are created equal. Typically, we want to choose the highest order, or the most nutrient dense foods to fuel our bodies. Just like exercise, what we fuel our bodies with can elicit hormonal responses that can make or break those six-pack abs. Lastly, remember that everyone is different and people should approach their nutrition profile differently.
Recovery - Recovery is probably the most important pillar. There is a reason why we sleep a third of our life -- it is so that our bodies can recover, repair, and adapt. It is during recovery that we allow our digestion to kick into full gear and assimilate all that we eat. It is also a chance for our bodies to build muscle and store fuel. Recovery is also needed for our central nervous system to recharge, so that we are able to accomplish physical and mental tasks at 100%. There are many ways to recover. Aside from sleep, recovery includes flows, breathing, and easy aerobic work that can be done to trick the body into recovery or parasympathetic modes. We cannot stress enough how important recovery is to looking good naked.
Stress - Stress is physical, psychological, or emotional strain or tension resulting from adverse or demanding circumstances. Stress in moderate amounts can be good for the body, which is why most of us workout. However, stress that is unmanaged can have deleterious effects both physiologically and psychologically. Stress messes with our immune systems, digestive systems, and completely throw off our endocrine systems, all of which can lead to gains in FM and losses in LBM. Stress, including physical, needs to be managed and balanced with lifestyle.
Putting It All Together
The secret to looking good naked is creating rhythm and consistency in life by following a set of simple rules called Basic Living Guidelines (BLG’s). Instead of boring you sleep with another long paragraph of content, here is a quick checklist for each of the topics. Please be aware that changes to any lifestyle need to be made in small steps. We want continual progress even if it means only a quarter step at a time. We hope this helps.
Try to adhere to the same workout schedule each week
Allow 2-3 recovery days during the week -- This can be full recovery or active recovery
Exercise based on your current situation -- if work is crazy you might just need an easy aerobic day
DO NOT do more for the sake of volume -- sometimes less is more
Drink your 60% of your body weight in ounces
Digestion starts with chewing -- chew at least 20-30 times
Choose higher order options that are nutrient dense
Eat at similar times each day including time to let food digest
ENJOY your food
Get into rhythm of going to bed and waking up at the same time every day
Stay away from your phone, computer, and television at least an hour before bed
Avoid exercise before sleep -- could result in sympathetic response
Listen to your body -- if you’re tired swap out a workout of an easy flow
REMEMBER that working out is a stressor
Be aware of the mental, physical, emotional stress your might be under
Make time for yourself to breathe and center yourself
炎炎夏日,大家都想要帶著好身材去海邊,無論你是想要穿上你的新比基尼或是展現你的六塊肌,你都需要付出努力去達到你好身材的目標並且維持它! 接下來就讓我們推薦大家減脂不復胖的秘訣!
我們先來釐清一件很重要的事情,很多人都說他想減重,但你真的懂減重的意思嗎? 坦白說,大多數人真正的目標都是脫掉衣服以後身材看起來很好,不見得真的是想減重。針對這點,我們就必須先確定我們的目標,我們目標是減少體脂肪,增加肌肉量,而不是減脂的同時肌肉也流失了。為了要能夠展現我們的六塊肌,我們需要增加我們的淨體重(LBM),降低我們的脂肪重(FM)。要達成這目標必不容易,但其實也沒大家想像中的那麼複雜,重點就是要在生活的節奏以及平衡、並且做出較好的選擇。
強健有四點非常重要的基礎,只要你能掌握這四點,那你一定能夠往好身材的目標前進。這四點包含了: 運動,營養,恢復,壓力。 為了怕你會睡著,我們這次會先簡單的帶過這四點(如果你還是睡著了,至少你是處在"恢復"的狀態)。在不久的將來我們會更詳細的介紹每一項要素,就目前而言,你只需要有以下基本的理解跟認真就可以了。
運動 - 運動是存在於我們每天生活中的生理活動。透過這樣的生理活動我們可以達到很多好處,像是荷爾蒙的反應、壓力的調節、促進新陳代謝等等,幫助我們去增加淨體重並且燃燒脂肪。很多人堅信減脂的關鍵就是透過運動來燃燒脂肪,然而這只是其中的一環,我們認為透過在運動以及飲食上取得卡路里的均衡才能達到最好的成效,並且讓你的身體產生最佳的荷爾蒙反應。
營養 - 我們提供給身體的燃料。包含了聚量營養素,也就是澱粉、蛋白脂、脂肪,以及微量營養素,像是維他命跟礦物質。飲食的品質很重要,一樣的卡路里量也會有不同的品質。我們要做的是多攝取營養成分高的食物來供給我們的身體做使用。就跟運動的道理一樣,我們怎麼吃就會引起相對的荷爾蒙反應,不是幫助腹肌的形成,就是讓它愈來愈不明顯。要記得的是每一個人都是獨特的個體,每個人都需要去找到適合自己的飲食方案。
恢復 - 這大概是最重的一點。人類平均一天有三分之一的時間在睡覺是有原因的 -- 為了讓我們的身體能夠恢復,修復,然後適應。在恢復的階段我們的消化系統才能完全啟動並且吸收我們所吃進去的東西,同時也是我們的身體去建立肌肉組織跟儲存能量的時間點。恢復對於我們的中樞神經系統的復原也非常的重要,讓我們能夠以100%的狀態去完成各種生理以及心理上的挑戰。恢復的方式有很多,除了睡眠以外,漂浮、呼吸、跟簡單的有氧運動都可以讓身體進入修復以及吸收的狀態。為了要能夠要有好身材,恢復絕對是你不能忽略的一個環節。
壓力 - 因為周遭各種嚴苛、對自己不利的因素造成在生理、心理、或是情緒的緊繃﹑緊張感。適當的壓力對於身體是有好處的,這也是我們為什麼要訓練的原因之一。然而,如果沒有重視這些壓力,就會對於身心靈造成很嚴重的影響。壓力會造成我們的免疫系統、消化系統、內分泌系統失調,這些都可能會導致我們體脂重的上升以及淨體重下降。所以壓力,包含生理上的壓力,都需要足夠的重視與管理來達到生活中的平衡。
一週安排2-3天的恢復 -- 可以是完全的休息日或是動態恢復
訓練要根據情況做調整 -- 如果工作忙到不可開交,你可能只需要做一些輕鬆的有氧
不要為了練而練 -- 多練不見得就是好
消化是先從咀嚼 -- 每一口都咬20-30次
避免在睡前運動 -- 會影響到交感神經系統的反應
聆聽身體的聲音 -- 如果你覺得很累,那就改做一些輕鬆的訓練。