CrossFit and Ba Ke Si
CrossFit has been around for almost 20 years, and in the grand scheme of the fitness industry, it is still relatively young. As a result, there are opinions of who should do CrossFit and if CrossFit is considered healthy for an individual’s well-being. We believe that CrossFit is for everyone and has a positive effect on an individual’s health and well-being. There are several factors that lead opponents of CrossFit to believe that it is unsuitable for health and wellness. However, before we can address any of those factors, we must gain a broader understanding of what CrossFit is.
Breaking It Down
CrossFit is defined as constantly varied, functional movement performed at high intensity.
The phrase “constantly varied” is very broad and can be interpreted in many ways. To those not familiar to CrossFit methodologies, it often means putting different types of movements within a given day, week, month, or year and expect progress. CrossFit is constantly varied, but however, is by no means random. Workouts are varied, but are planned in macro- and micro- cycles with specific goals in mind. Variance often comes within movement patterns themselves to stress muscles and systems differently that ultimately result in adaptation. In addition, “varied” can be in the form of variables other than modalities such as rest, intensity and load, volume, aerobic/anaerobic capacities. In addition, when the same movement is paired with different modality it also creates a different stimulus to stress the whole body all together. Let’s take a 95lbs Front Squat for example. We can perform this front squat under the same intensity but within situations to create different stress and therefore adaptation:
95lbs Front Squat, 10 x 4, @21X0, Rest 90 sec
EMOM 8: A. 10 95lbs Front Squat, B. Cal Bike @ 85% effort
4 RFT: 10 95lbs Front Squat, 15 Pull Ups, 200m Run
As you can see, these workouts are constantly varied, but are not random -- load and volume remain the same, but stimulus is varied, which can result in growth.
The next phrase is “Functional Movement”, which speaks for itself. CrossFit uses movement that is functional to life as a human. Movements such as the deadlift, squat, and press are patterns present in daily activity such as picking up a bag of groceries, or sitting on a chair. These patterns are universally referred to as ADL’s (Activities of Daily Living). Improvement in these movement patterns can improve the quality of life.
Lastly the phrase “Performed at High Intensity” refers to relative intensity. We often hear comments that CrossFit is “too intense”. The misunderstanding falls under the assumption that all CrossFit participants perform the same workout. This assumption is only half true -- that is CrossFit participants perform the same workout scaled to the intended stimulus. Stimulus by 135lbs Barbell Snatches for one person can be accomplished by 20lbs DB Snatches for another. The intention of CrossFit is not to make it so intense that it is unsafe, but rather to create relative intensities under a safe setting that promote growth. After all, we want the least amount of work to promote the most amount of change.
The objective of CrossFit is to increase work capacity across broad time and modal domain, otherwise known as fitness. Maintaining fitness over a lifetime constitutes health. A simple interpretation of all this is to increase an individual’s ability to do more work in less, in various movement patterns, and maintain it over a lifetime. The beauty of this is that we are able to measure an individual’s ability against themselves and against their peers. It’s an objective way to measure fitness. There are countless articles about this on the CrossFit Journal, so let’s let the articles speak for themselves. (CrossFit Journal Articles - “What is CrossFit” and “What is Fitness” as starters)
Is CrossFit for Everyone?
CrossFit is for everyone of all ages. The biggest obstacle concerning this view deals less with CrossFit as an exercise regimen and more with the misconception that all of CrossFit is a competitive sport. Having said this, people need to realize that there is a difference between CrossFit for the general population (Gen-pop) and CrossFit for the sport of fitness (Competitive CrossFit). Although there are similarities in movements used between the two, the intensity, load, and volume of competitive CrossFit is substantially higher and definitely not for everyone.
Before we go into any misconceptions, we must first address why we do CrossFit in the first place. We do CrossFit because it’s effective. It is a strength and conditioning program that combines various types of strength with various types of energy system to create maximum physical expression and output over a lifetime. Just like most exercises, individuals who participate in CrossFit reap the physiological benefits of it such as lowered blood pressure, increased insulin sensitivity, higher bone density, and the list goes on and on. However, why is CrossFit so effective? CrossFit creates connections on a psychological level that makes working out fun. It allows people to relate to each in their most vulnerable states during exercise, which in turn builds trust between athletes and coach -- this is referred to as community. As a result, doing CrossFit doesn’t just end up being a workout, but rather time spent doing something active with friends. Any well-thought out strength and conditioning program can be effective, but it is only as effective as the person stays motivated to do so, and that’s exactly what the community in CrossFit does, it motivates and holds people accountable. Lastly, the effectiveness of CrossFit is measurable through performance benchmarks. Again, let’s let the articles speak for themselves (See aforementioned references)
So What’s All the Fuss About?
The biggest reason why there is so much debate about CrossFit on whether or not it promotes health and wellness is a lack of understanding by both participants and opponents alike. The confusion centers around the distinction between competitive CrossFit and Gen-pop CrossFit, what is required for each, and who should participate in each.
Those who participate in Gen-pop CrossFit are your average day people whose intent is to use CrossFit as a means to an end. The purpose of doing CrossFit is to use fitness to be better at some aspect of life. It can vary from getting better at a specific sport or just being capable of doing physical activity outside of the gym. These individuals are not necessarily the best athletes, but they maintain balance across physical, emotional, and mental states. CrossFit’s applications are used to promote function and health and wellness over a lifetime. In other words, the goal is for an individual is to be physically capable throughout the latter years in life. Imagine the 85 year old individual who can still walk unassisted and can participate in physical activities such as hikes, swims, etc. This is the physical independence and freedom associated with a lifetime of wellness.
Those who compete at the highest level in CrossFit, otherwise known as the sport of fitness, are the top .0001% of men and women. These are elite athletes who train for the sole purpose of being the fittest. The intensity and volume of training can be such where it can be considered not functional outside the realm of CrossFit. That is these athletes do CrossFit just to be good at CrossFit. People perceive these athletes as the face of health and wellness, but this perception could not be any more inaccurate. Just like any other professional sport, competitive CrossFit entails tremendous amounts of physical, emotional, and mental stress that can sometimes exceed an athlete’s body’s capabilities.The accumulation of these stresses results in imbalance that lead away from wellness and often towards sickness. This is the reason why athletes are constantly battling with injury and sometimes look older than they actually are. Unlike Gen-pop CrossFit, those who stay competitive do not last long and often burn out.
Common misconceptions and confusion arise when the lines between Competitive CrossFit and Gen-pop CrossFit are blurred. Often times, individuals who would normally be involved in Gen-pop CrossFit get caught up in the competitiveness of CrossFit either through what they see on social media or interaction with competitive athletes and coaches. As a result, these individuals who should be participating in CrossFit end up trying to compete. These individuals often forget that being competitive in CrossFit first entails years of training to build the necessary foundation for skill, volume, and intensity, and then only after this foundation has been established can they compete with the expectation of long-term success. As a result, these are the individuals who end up getting injured and who the opponents of CrossFit use as ammunition against CrossFit as a general strength and conditioning program.
Just Some Food for Thought
For those of you who are looking for health and wellness, remember that it’s a lifelong journey. It’s really easy to get caught up in the glamour of competitive CrossFit. However, the true test of fitness isn’t what’s done in a competition or two, but instead, it’s how much you can do over a lifetime. Having said this, know your ‘why’ for CrossFit and know where you want to be. These two questions alone can help set you up for long term success
CrossFit 自創立以來已經有將近20年的時間,相較於整個健身產業的歷史來說並不算長,也因此關於CrossFit 對人們的健康是否有幫助、那些族群適合做CrossFit,各方一直存在著各自的想法與意見。我們相信每一個人都可以做CrossFit,我們也相信CrossFit 對於個人的健康以及強健具有正面的幫助與影響。因為某些因素,外界存在著反對CrossFit 的聲浪,他們認為CrossFit對於健康是沒有幫助且沒辦法延續的,然而,在我們開始討論那些因素之前,我們必須先了解什麼是CrossFit。
什麼是 CrossFit?
CrosFit 的定義: 在高強度下執行持續多變化的功能性動作
"持續多變化"可以有很多種不同的詮釋方式,多數對於CrossFit 訓練模式不是很熟悉的人來說,每天、每週、每月甚至是每年,只要做各種不同模式的動作就是持續多變化。然而CrossFit 所表現的持續多變化並不是隨機產生的。看似多變化的訓練內容,同時也包含著根據特定的目標而設定的大大小小的訓練週期,透過動作上的變化性去建立身體肌肉以及系統上的適應性。而”多變化”也包含著各種型態與模式,像是休息、強度、負重、訓練量、無氧/有氧代謝能力等等。而一樣的動作搭配不同的訓練模式都可以產生不同的刺激。以95磅的前蹲來舉例,我們可以用一樣95磅的前蹲來產生不一樣的訓練刺激,進而訓練到不同的適應性:
95lbs Front Squat, 10 x 4, @21X0, Rest 90 sec
EMOM 8: A. 10 95lbs Front Squat, B. Cal Bike @ 85% effort
4 RFT: 10 95lbs Front Squat, 15 Pull Ups, 200m Run
以上三個不同的訓練內容,不是隨機產生的 -- 負重以及訓練量一樣,但透過不同的刺激性來達到進步的效果。
"功能性動作" 則可以直接從字面上去翻譯。CrossFit 採用一些可以實際運用在生活上的動作,像是硬舉、深蹲、肩推,這些動作都可套用在日常生活中,像是拿起裝滿東西的袋子或是單純的就坐,這些動作模式被稱為ADL(日常動作)。透過強化這些動作的表現能力,可以改善我們的生活品質。
最後是關於相對強度的"高強度下執行"。我們常常聽到大家說CrossFit 強度太高,這樣的誤解來自於大家認為每一個做CrossFit的人都是做一模一樣的訓練內容。這樣的認知其實只對了一半 -- 做CrossFit 的人會針對同樣的訓練內容做降階的動作來達到該訓練內容所預期的刺激性。某位運動員做135磅的槓鈴抓舉,而另一位運動員或許可以透過做20磅的啞鈴抓舉來達到一樣的刺激性。CrossFit 的用意並不是只是一昧的追求高強度而忽略了安全性,而是在安全的前提下透過相對強度來提升訓練成效。我們希望透過最有效率的訓練模式來達到最大的訓練成效。
CrossFit 的目標在於提升各種時間模式以及領域下的作功能力,也就是我們說的強健。我們追求一生的健康以及強健,簡單來說就是我們希望讓一個人在一生中可以透過各種動作模式來輕鬆地完成各項任務。這個定義的美妙之處就是它是可量測的,它可以用一個很客觀的方式來量測妳的強健,也可以用來跟自己或是跟身邊的朋友們進行比較。在CrossFit Journal上有很多相關的文章含有更詳細的內容可以讓大家參考(CrossFit Journal Articles - “What is CrossFit” and “What is Fitness” as starters)
每個人都可以作CrossFit 嗎?
每一個人、各個年齡層都可以作CrossFit。很多人不認同這一點是因為他們把CrossFit 當作一項競賽而不是運動。大家必須要知道把CrossFit當運動(一般大眾)以及把CrossFit當競賽(專業選手)的差異性,雖然兩者在動作表現上有著相似性,但是CrossFit 競賽在於強度、負重以及訓練量上是高出很多的,而那絕對不是每一個人都可以負荷的。
在我們正式開始解釋這些誤會之前,我們必須先說清楚我們為什麼做CrossFit 。 我們做CrossFit 是因為它是有效的。它包含著各種力量以及能量系統訓練來最大化我們一生當中的運動表現能力。跟多數的運動一樣,做CrossFit 的人可以達到預防高血壓、胰島素敏感度提升、骨質密度提升等等的生理上的效益。 然而為什麼CrossFit這麼有效? 那是因為CrossFit 同時在心理層面上讓訓練內容變得有趣。CrossFit 讓人們在運動過程中最疲累的時候建立起彼此的聯繫,也同時建立起運動員以及教練彼此間的信任 -- 這就是我們說得社群。所以做CrossFit並不單單只是一個訓練,它還是跟朋友們一起相處的時間。任何一個完整的訓練計劃都可以很有效,但它只有在運動員自己願意去做的前提下才會有效,而CrossFit 社群就可以達到這樣的效果,它讓大家更樂於對自己負責。最後,CrossFit 的有效性同樣是可以透過運動表現來量測的,鼓勵大家可以參考我們前面所提供的文獻來源來了解更詳細的內容。
CrossFit 的爭議?
外界對於CrossFit 是否真的能帶來健康的爭論多半是來自於對CroosFit 不夠了解,對於有做CrossFit 以及沒做CrossFit的人來說都是。最大的誤會圍繞在將CrossFit 視為競賽或是運動的差異性,以及誰適合把CrossFit 當運動,誰適合把CrossFit當競賽。
一般大眾將CrossFit 視為一個能持續提升生活表現的運動,它可以是提升某項專項運動的表現,或是日常戶外活動的運動能力。這些民眾不見得是最強最好的選手,但他們可以在生理、心理、情緒以及心靈上取得平衡。這樣做CrossFit 的人多數能在健康以及生活能力上有很好的改善,並且能夠持續這樣的生活能力。想像一個85歲的人可以在不被扶持的狀態下走路,還可以餐與登山、游泳等活動,如此在生理層面上的獨立性以及自由就是我們所說的一生的健康。
那些在CrossFit 最高殿堂中競賽的是世界上百分之0.0001的人。那些菁英級的選手訓練的唯一目標就是要成為最強健的人。他們的訓練強度以及內容在某些層面上已經不再屬於功能性的訓練,也脫離了CrossFit 的領域。這些選手們做CrossFit是為了在CrossFit 競賽上有最佳的表現,很多人認為這些選手就是健康以及強健的代表,但其實並不然。就跟其他專項競賽一樣,CrossFit 競賽涵蓋了大量的生理以及心理上的壓力,有時候甚至會超出一個選手身體所能負荷的程度。這樣的壓力累積會造成身體失去平衡而導致疾病。這也是為什麼多數選手都會面臨傷痛的困擾,或是看起來比實際年齡蒼老。相較於將CrossFit 次為運動的一般大眾,這些將CrossFit 視為競賽的人的運動生涯通常相對短暫。
最大的誤解來自於區別將CrossFit 視為運動跟競賽的界線並不清楚。常常看到很多原本將CrossFit 視為運動的一般大眾因為受到媒體或是其他CrossFit 選手、教練的影響變得也想要參加CrossFit 競賽。他們常常忽略了要餐與競賽需要先有數年以上的技巧、訓練量以及強度的基礎,只有建立在這樣的基礎上才能夠達到長期的目標,而這些人最後面臨到的多半是傷痛,甚至被拿來當作CrossFit 不適合一般大眾的案例。
對於想要追求健康的你們,請記得這是整個人生的旅程。我們都很容易被競賽的魅力吸引,但真正對於健康的考驗並不在於一場或兩場的比賽,而是你可以在整個人生旅程中完成什麼。要知道你"為什麼"要做CrossFit 以及妳的目標是甚麼。弄清楚這兩個問題可以幫助你達到你所追求的長期目標。