Do I need experience to start? 初學者適合嗎?

You do not need experience to start. We offer services for athletes of all backgrounds. Whether or not you are a well-experienced athlete or a complete beginner, we can work with you to get you on track to hit your goals.


What type of service is best for me? 我適合哪一種課程?

It depends on what your goal is. We encourage you to come and speak with a coach to discuss your experiences, expectations, and goals. Even if you don’t know what your goal is yet, we can still discuss where a good starting point would be.


I have CrossFit/exercise experiences at another gym, do i have to start with OnRamp? 我有做CrossFit的經驗,我需要從初階課程開始上嗎?

We do require all athletes who join the group class to have completed a CrossFit fundamentals course, either at our gym or another. If you haven’t completed a fundamentals course, then our OnRamp program would be the place to start.

在加入團體課程之前,我們要求運動員先上完CrossFit 相關基礎課程,不限場館。如果你未曾上過相關的課程,建議先從我們的初階課程開始。

Do you offer open gym? 有自主練習時間嗎?

We do not offer gym, however, we do have drop-in and weekly passes for those who are having a short trip in Taipei. If you are a competitive athlete or coach visiting, you may use the facility during off-class hours.
