CrossFit BaKeSi

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Caleb Asia CrossFit Championship recap

上海比賽心得(Scroll down for English version)

      在我的生活中,每天都有各種新鮮的事情在發生,這不禁讓我思考,有什麼是會讓我後悔、絕對不能錯過的?這是我常常會問自己的問題,而這次上海ACC CrossFit 比賽正是其中一個我絕不能錯過的一場冒險!



      從報完名到出發前的這段期間,我同時參加了人生中第三次的CrossFit Open,無形中也增加了備賽過程中不少的壓力。在Open結束後,我們馬上進入到出發上海前最後一個月的高強度備賽,包含了各種比賽項目模擬跟心肺、肌力的訓練,每天都在訓練的夾縫中求生存,從一天練一次到慢慢的把訓練量增加到有時一天兩次,為了模擬比賽也加入了週末的訓練,在這過程中身心俱疲,壓力很大,但是很感謝有很多人默默的支持與陪伴,幫助總是想放棄的我有繼續拚一把的動力,從訓練、飲食到買補給品,因為有你們的支持,我才能順利以不錯的狀態參加比賽!



      轉眼間比賽已閉幕,但是我知道這不是結束,而是另一段故事的開始,只有繼續努力,為自己的目標去奮鬥才是我現在最應該做的事。比賽中或許有很多遺憾沒做好的地方,但是我可以很篤定的告訴自己 : 我沒錯過!


Asia CrossFit Championship Experience

There are many new experiences and opportunities that happen in a lifetime. This doesn’t only make me think, but often ask myself “what if I regret missing out on a certain life experience?” This year’s Asia CrossFit Championship is one adventure I cannot miss out on!

What does competing mean for you? Is it a test, hobby, or an opportunity to prove yourself? Everyone has a different explanation, a different feeling for competition. To me, it is an adventure and self exploration of myself. You can see, feel, hear, and experience something completely unique and new. It also creates a unique relationship within a team.

Once we heard about ACC, I started discussing with my coach on my training preparation leading up to the qualifiers. This was the first time we’ve prepared for high level competition. We work closely on how I felt throughout training, and made adjustments on intensity levels. Right before the CrossFit Open, we received the invitation notifying that I have qualified for the main event. Even though we were close to the bottom on the qualifying list, it still felt like a gift from the sky. This was an opportunity for me to compete with top level athletes. So we immediately completed the registration and started our preparation.

The CrossFit Open was between the qualifiers and the main event in Shanghai. This added additional stress to my third CrossFit Open experience. Shortly after the CrossFit Open concluded, we started transitioning to the pre comp phase for the ACC. Training got very challenging with event simulations. Two a days and simulation days were always really stressful both mentally and physically. Luckily I had a team with me throughout this entire process. They’ve always cheered me on, and supported me in different ways. Some being training partners, eating partners, helping me with supplements, and many other tasks. All of you were integral parts for the preparation!

Anyone who says they don’t get nervous in a competition is lying. Even so, I was very excited and looked forward to each event. I never imagined that I’d have the chance to be broadcasted on the jumbotron like in movies. Throughout this competition, I am very thankful for the group that flew all the way out from Taiwan to support. I heard all the cheers, support, and appreciate all the supplements. Even though we were unfamiliar with the venue, equipment, and rules; we were able to put our attention into the events and perform to the best of our abilities with your support. I had a valuable experience and many unforgettable memories because of all of you.

We started the adventure at the bottom of the qualification leaderboard and ended placing 36th over the weekend. This was such a miraculous adventure. It reminds me of why I am really attracted to competition. You never know what might happen until the very end, for better or worse, it always is something to think about.

The competition has ended, but it is not my end. This is the beginning to the next chapters. I am going to continue fighting for my goals. Even though there may be mistakes and errors in the competition, I can very firmly tell myself “I did not miss it!”
